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Besides the academic learning, Shinawatra International University incorporates various events such as excursions, music, sports and cultural programs to mention few, on the journey to creating professionals. Wholesome Education is what actually they are trying to inculcate and its pretty much relishing if not for some events wrapping up without even noticing the occurrence.  


Allotting students into two groups of Orange and Green, certainly have no idea how they were grouped but seem like both teams were fairly gifted. With the start of a fresh week, different games, both indoor and outdoor were rolling all over the campus during the pre-hours of dusk after 4.00 PM. I have hardly witnessed any of the games for I was kind of shedding the rush hours and deadlines until I had a hearing, Green; the team I am in, was lagging behind with a huge difference. Undeniably I was bit embarrassed and of course I don’t have any reasons to shield. But I was in a way somewhat curious to observe how it is actually going on. So I somehow squeezed through the pilled work and tried to unfasten myself. Ardently took part in quite a few of them, indeed winning wasn’t an option for me. And that in fact added upon the downgrade for Greens. I felt sorry but couldn’t help. 

Ultimately, win was in their (orange) favor. Saturday, on the final day of sports week, students from both the teams presented amazing performances along with the finals for few games. The day was graced by the Deputy- Prime Minister/ Minister of Commerce in Thailand. He was the former President of SIU. We are happy to have him back to the campus. 


Well, that’s a quick glimpse over how we have goodbye the sports day 2012, it wasn’t just about winning and losing but a lot more than that. Congratulations Oranges and for my fellow greens I would say don’t worry, for it is always better to lose with dignity than winning with egotism.

happy weekends..

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