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Love sang to me the poetry of real life” Kahlil Gibran (The Broken Wings)

Love can change the deepest feelings and make you happy in spite of all the bitterness of its mystery. The exorbitant power of love can overcome any obstacles; it can move mountains and promise heaven on earth. The true affection can open your eyes for all the best things on earth and blind you from all the troubles and mishaps. That’s why people in love often say it ‘Love can make the whole world beautiful’.

image from google

Love is subjective and the degree of love various. Some people fall in and out of love quickly while some never really fall in love. For the latter one, love is not nothing and not really something either. However for some people especially teens, love can be so strong and influential. This is perhaps because romantic love is a relatively new concept for them and they get overwhelmed with all sorts of new feelings.

As the magical waves of love touches your spirit, you will have ocean of secrets to reveal. Words will pour out of you, the feelings you can word down but never ending. Love can fill your life with full of hush-hush and wonders. Love can be your sole entertainer, singing songs of happiness, shedding tears of joy revealing the meaning of life and nature. You can’t stop thinking about love and it become your very first thought when you wake up and very last before you go to sleep. Love keeps ringing like a melody that you have longed for million years. The more you think about love, the deeper you fall into and gets addicted to it. This is how love bathes your psyche changing earth to paradise and life to a sweet and stunning dream. So when your heart could withstand no more, the ever crashing oceanic waves of adoration is pacified through the beautiful letters “I LOVE YOU”.

When the power of love exceeds the sentiment of getting embarrassed, you will not be ashamed of telling the world “I LOVE YOU”. This is called TRUE LOVE, an unflagging care and devotion that gives vision for all the bounty of nature and splendor of humanity. This is how you accumulate happiness through love. With love one can steal others heart which cannot be tied by any criminal laws for there is no such law which bind or regulate the free flow of love.

Nonetheless, all Love may not as successful that is why there are so many wounded men, emotionally paralyzed with love. lol...

What do you say about Love? How do you perceive Love?

Thank you for visiting my blog

“Love to faults is always blind, always is to joy inclined, lawless, winged and unconfined, and breaks all chains from every mind”--- William Blake


Karen Lange said...

Love is indeed powerful. I like how it is defined in the Bible in Corinthians - love is patient and kind, among other things.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much @Karen

Jeanette Levellie said...

This was an interesting article, Dorji.

I think love can be defined as laying down your life for another, such as Jesus Christ taught. Love is not a feeling, but a decision.

Thanks for commenting on my blog today! Much joy in your journey,

Unknown said...

Thank you Jen for dropping by my blog. Please visit again.

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