Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, interests and so on. Face book, besides serving as a forum to chat and text messages perhaps it can also be a forum to discuss important issues. It is through face book I met with professor Dr. A Victor Devadoss of Loyola College in Chennai, who has invited me to make a presentation in an International conference on Recent Trends in Growth Patten held on 7th of February 2011, organized by Loyola Economics Association for Development (LEAD) in the Economics department of Loyola College. I was very much excited and pleased to get a hold of such invitation and of course, the thought of presenting a paper in an international conference made me bit nervous at first. Nevertheless, under the unflagging support and guidance of Dr. A. Victor Devadoss, Dr. John Selva Raj, my friends and family it was never a challenge rather it was a breathtaking prospect that knocked upon me. Above and beyond my keen curiosity and aspirations money is something that matters a lot being a student, but for now he assured to reimburse the expenses for travelling, food and lodging. With such a sobering awareness I along with my friend from College of Science and Technology began our journey towards Chennai on 2nd of February. Indeed it was my first time stepping into a foreign land and as well a journey by train. Our journey of two days two nights commenced from New Alipur Daur railway station at 11:30 AM in an AC class.
“Attention please, Gahawati Travelling Express 12516 is arriving on platform no. 2 in few minutes” a lady alerts the passengers and people in the railway station. Everyone cleave to their luggage and marched towards the platform. It was a magnificent moment I was always looking forward. Descending all the way from the charming and admired eastern Himalayan range, I could experience and feel the warmth of plain gradient unlike the hilly and greenery valleys in Bhutan. But mournfully the guys sharing the compartment with us refused to fold over their bed and we are obliged to sleep and travel for the whole 42 hrs. Nonetheless, it was never too desolate as my friend being freak of Korean, we travelled watching Korean movies and listening to Korean songs though I could hardly speak a word of it. Experiencing the journey by train for the first time also coincides with the festivity of daw dangpai Losar (New Year). Eating spicy foods that taste foreign and raising our voice with laughter gazing upon funny video clips are some of the fun loving experiences that we enjoyed in the train. However, at the eleventh hour when the train is at the eve to land on our destiny (i.e. Chennai central station), we were in sound sleep (perhaps because of watching movie overnight) the guys in our compartment turn out to be of great help. Certainly they informed us about the arrival of the train at Chennai Central Station (i.e. at 4.30 AM) and we rushed out with our luggage without a splash of water on our face.
We were then warmly received by Dr. John Salveraj on behalf of the college. Their campus is so large that it extends to 100acres with well furnished classrooms and hostels, libraries with larger volumes and top infrastructures, highly equipped laboratories, well trained and qualified faculties. Upon reaching the college it was an enormous gratification to meet with some of the Bhutanese students from Gadue College of Business Studies, who has also come all the way to grace with their presence.
left: Kinzang, Tshering, Tenzin,
Dorji Penjor, Dorji Phuntso, Pema |
With two students of Loyola college to guide and escort us, we followed the tour, the next day till Mahabalipuram to visit the temples, hypnotic sculptures, rock-cut caves and marvelous monuments; an ancient seaport of the Pallavas. Its distinctive architecture and sculptural bequest, hewed out of rocks, attract thousands of enthusiast of art from nook and corner of the world. Besides its historic importance and persistent splendor, what added more was the state of all the amenities which altogether constituted a wonderful environment. The tour was then to lead us towards the sea beach, a place where people take sun bath, walk by in bikini and lay aside the sea shore. By then the sun takes its pride in shooting its golden arrows sparkling through the white clouds and soon the day was overcome by the dusk. It was time for us to attend a dinner at Professor Dr. A. Victor’s place. Scrumptious and appetizing food items complete the table, ever jovial and enchanting faces greets one and all. It was an amazing supper. Visiting his beautiful garden, where flowers dance to the symphony of gentle breeze, obsession of this old gentle man towards his garden reminds me of the greenery and mountainous Bhutan. Am I missing my mother land? Perhaps the flowers of drukyul full-fledged in his garden undoubtedly portray the conserved environment and beautiful forest land of Bhutan.
The second day of our visit led us towards to the earsplitting town of T-nagar, where big shopping malls and luxurious hotels are innumerable. Prices for goods and commodities are fixed with no bargains. Gazing upon the scenario of opaque atmosphere, traffic jam, filthy air and so on thousands of thoughts and imaginations infringed my mind. Is Bhutan directing towards this development? Possibly no, under the farsighted and dynamic leaderships the constitution of Bhutan guarantees 60% forest cover and definitely that should not be the case. However, I could comprehend the developments and progress our neighbor India has accomplished. It made me realize the power of modern technological advancements and in fact made me feel proud that we are their close neighbor. How lucky and blessed Bhutan is to have a secured bi-lateral relation with gigantic and incredible India.
The most imperative and crucial day, in fact the very reason behind our visit have eventually came by with scheduled programs. The inaugural session began at 9.00am with the well come address by the organizing secretary, followed by key-note address by the guest and special address by other dignitaries. Sharply at 11.30 after the tea break the session of paper presentation began by the resource persons, professors and participants. My presentation on “Role of media in economic growth of Bhutan after democracy” was programmed at 2.15 pm right after lunch. And finally the day has come to an end by attending the valedictory function. Despite merry making and delight we had I was much more fortunate to get an appointment with several dignified people with the tenacious prop up of Professor Dr. A. Victor Devadoss. Really am very much overwhelmed and I am ineptly indebted for his constant generosity and gentleness, indeed it is beyond my words.
From alien to shaking hands and smiling to nodding heads, we have come a long way. We started out as acquaintances on a crazy adventure – it’s amusing, how from simple things the best thing begins. I finally found someone to be cherished for every second of my life. I wonder how I would have been if I haven’t met him (Dr. A. Victor Devadoss), but I am glad that I did. I have learned a lot from him and the most important is to be a good and sensible human being and a better servant to the world, which I believe is the greatest achievement in my life.
Last and final the time has come for us to say good bye, we then returned to our native place. The train supposed to leave by 10.30pm was delayed by 2 hours and we left the station of Chennai Egmore at 12.30am on 8th of February. Upon reaching at home, I buried myself under the blanket, placed my head over the pillow and recalled the past few days. I realized that I have erudite and experienced a lot more than what is expected. Beyond the classroom lessons and teachings it has opened our door to surmount the ceaseless sky of learning deluge. I feel learning would be incomplete without such exposure where we can socialize ourselves and gather indispensable apparatus that are pre-requisites for quality education. Let such brilliant panorama remain as long as the world exists.
1 comment:
Beautifully written. Though lengthy, your writing is full of charm and poetic expressions. You got a wonderful experience and opportunity. Keep going in your life and ya, keep sharing.
* By constitution of Kingdom of Bhutan, Bhutan should maintain 60 % forest coverage throughout the ages to come, not guaranteeing 70%.
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