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Problem Facing on Youth Employment in Bhutan
Youth are the builders
of tomorrow. The more care and attention
the government bestows on them, the rich and prosperous the nation would be. For a healthier
economy, fairer society
and stronger democracy youth must be the top priority. Today’s
youth is probably
the most educated generation of all time; even so, the youth unemployment rate is regarded
as one of the toughest problems in many countries. As in Carlyle’s
words “A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight
that fortune’s inequality exhibits under the sun.” It not only haunts young people who are struggling to find a job, it also imposes a heavy price on the economies and societies at large.
Bhutan is undergoing a state of transition, from monarchy to constitutional democracy
and culture and tradition to social modernization. Bhutan is admired
worldwide for its living spiritual and the rigorous pursuit
of Gross National
Happiness as the guiding principle
of development. However, the pursuit of Happiness is not without
its casualties. As modernity and consumerism take hold, Bhutan is facing a host of problems. Amongst many others youth unemployment is a serious issue. Despite the consistent efforts of the governments and concerned authorities, the challenging youth problems
are on constant rise. According
to the UNDP, Bhutan’s youth unemployment rate of 7.3 % is one of the highest in the region. The
number of young people graduating
from colleges or completing their schooling and entering the labor market
has reached alarming
figures and for too many of them the transition to work is problematic. Given
the already high unemployment rates implies
that new entrants
to the labor market will not be able to enroll in productive employment unless
properly equipped with appropriate skills.
Youth unemployment in Bhutan
is mostly concentrated among the educated
as a result of the incapability of the poor economy
to create new job opportunities sufficient to accommodate the annual increase
in the job seekers, which is largely
composed of young people entering
the job market for the first time after obtaining their
first stage of higher studies.
It is also due to lack of consistency between
the outcomes of the educational system and the needs and demands of the job market
in terms of various specializations and skills. In fact, the economic growth
over the last decade
did not contribute to a growth in youth employment, though there was a vast growth in demand
for manual labor.
Bhutanese young people are getting
educated and do not want to figure out as farmers or laborer in the construction industry.
While in that respect
are many causes behind the youth unemployment rate, causes stem from issues related
to the structure of job and labor market to education. The high unemployment rate of youth can be partly attributed to the limited
relevance of education and skills development to the needs of the labor market;
to the practical absence of effective systems
of public employment agencies;
underdevelopment of the private sector;
rapid population growth
(more than 60% of the total population is youth); substantial growth of school enrolment; rising trend of rural-urban migration; limited
employment relevant education and training that results in young people leaving school without
the skills requisite for employment and the expectations of high salary
on the part of the educated youth entering the economy; in addition to the slowdown
in economic activities due to shortfall
of Indian Rupee and soaring of external
debt lately.
Bhutan is in an age of social transition and young people’s
failure to start their career
will not only lead to waste of human resources but also possibly
trigger serious social problems.
For instance, the lack of decent job exposes young people to high levels
of economic uncertainty. Some serious consequences of youth unemployment and insecurity are linked to the exclusion of young
them, undermine social cohesion and
lead to social
problems such as
crime, drug abuse, vandalism, prostitution, etc. which bring
disharmony in the society.
Being unemployed for a longer period
could bring serious
frustration to the young people.
It is absolutely
damaging to their self-esteem and moral that may hamper their positive
contribution to the society.
They may begin to question
their abilities and gradually decline to make
further contact with society. These agitated youth wanders around and dive into drugs, alcohol and all varieties of substance abuse or unethical
behaviors causing trouble
and then end up in jails. Not to mention a considerate amount of money has to be spent in supporting the unemployed.
patterns will persist
in the future if no holistic approach
is initiated to alter the employment situation. As for measures, the government bears the highest
responsibility of providing the youth with effective
solutions. It has become really important to address the social and economic challenges confronted by the youth in order to help them
responsible citizens of the country.
Education and training are a major instrument, if not the instrument for enhancing the employability, productivity and income earning capacity of youth. Young people
broad, general, employable skills combined with training in specific skills
and exposure to the world of work that will ease the movement from school to the work. Studies indicate
that employment issues are increasingly influenced by the level
and quality of education and training and by their relevance to labor market demands
and opportunities. The mechanisms such as apprenticeships, alternating training and the involvement of young people in the working world during their schooling, would also play a vital role in their future employability. Along with, the government can formulate
and amend the policy framework
to improve youth employment and encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment. It is often said that youth is the ‘Wealth’
of the nation. It is true in every sense of the word.
The term wealth
must not, however,
be understood as the material wealth.
The core of this wealth
is about character and it is the character
that the elders, parents, teachers and so on should try to inculcate among youth. This is the reason why it is important to lay emphasis on character building
in schools where the foundations of good citizenship are laid. A youth with a healthy
character will adopt
the right mindset:
positive in outlook and global in ambition. For optimism stems not from denying change,
but from recognizing the possibilities it presents.
lack of information on the labor market status
with regard to employment, job vacancies and training requirements resulted
in the current chaotic situation with the mismatch
between demand and supply of labor. In other parts of the world, the unemployed
youth gets the help of specialized offices to identify appropriate jobs that are commensurate with their education
and skills- including retraining to facilitate entry
to labor markets.
They also obtain
unemployment benefits that cover subsistence living and prevent
them from falling
into the poverty
trap. Such measures can be best practiced with the establishment of a job market information center that can provide all types
of jobs demanded
in the local market with regular updates
on vacancies and projections for new jobs that will be opened in the near future.
Youth unemployment has been growing; the financial crisis can’t take all the blame. Combating
it requires to challenge conventional wisdom: by removing,
where possible disincentives to hire and to work; by reforming educational institutions; by ramping
up apprenticeships and mentoring. Teachers and parents, business
leaders and policy
makers all have a crucial
part to play. Youths! There has never been a better
time to be young; the universe is exploding with opportunity, every day, new inventions answer questions that were never thought to ask.
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Beautiful piece of writing......
Thank you Suman for visiting my blog... It has been dormant for sometime now..
Fantastic paper but do you any graphs that shows this growing problem in Bhutan.
If u find one can u plz put it in the comment below.
Thank you.
Go Here if you are looking for an essay on unemployment.
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