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Clock ticks away and so do time is flying. Before I really realize, the semester has come to an end. It is the time to shed the rush hours and burn the midnight fuels. I have committed enough mistakes through which I could eventually learn and done several wrongs through which I could earn lessons. I already had enough regrets and now I don’t want to complain for the past nor would I worry for future but I want to concentrate on the present. Building such intuition in my mind I shoved my books in the bag and headed towards the study room.

image from google
OH… good lord..  what’s wrong, all study rooms were locked. I was wondering why people are locking those study rooms. In the first place what study rooms are meant for? During the week days students have classes and they won’t be there to make use of those rooms. Obviously study rooms should be used during the weekends when students don’t have classes and when they are on their own. Of course we do have our own rooms but it hard to concentrate on studies especially with your laptop on, sitting right near the cozy bed. Definitely you would fall to sleep easily. So I personally find the study rooms to be the best place for studying while you can also call your friends and discuss together. But unfortunately now we can’t avail such facilities and no matter good or bad we have to be in our rooms hardly doing anything. For me seriously, my room is one such place where I prefer not to be all the time, for no apparent reasons, so I can’t think of studying in the room.   

image from google
Very recently they (university) have even started locking the entrance gate linking Dorm and Academic building. Why? They don’t want the students to make use of the academic building? Some of the wireless Internets across the campus were disabled and those accessible were very slow that it takes ages to just log on into our own university website. In fact, we are the closest neighbor to the Thaicom Telecom, a giant network distributor in Thailand. When the university to the nearest approach from a network distributor, suffers from downfall of network I can’t imagine of those at distant. I am wondering. More over I don't know why  but the air-conditions at SIU are more or less useless. We use a chill water cooling system and now as time gives birth to summer season water ponds surrounding the university are getting automatically hotter and air-cons changed their role from cooling to heating.  Its more or less like room heaters and i doubt is somebody taking into account all this changes. If not Why is it so? Who is responsible?


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