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International Students Club at Shinawatra International University has officially launched on Thursday 15th March, 2012. Coinciding with the launch we have organized a Debate on “SIU is the best”. Perhaps the topic must have been very sensitive and controversial, so I as the founder of the club and organizer of the event who carried out all the paper works, had a tough time getting approval from the higher authority. To get the budget sanctioned was the toughest part, for it has to pass through serious of channels. Sometimes the proposal remained on the table of some officials and returned back without the notice of the preferred authority. When questioned, they have nothing to say than some mere excuses. I believe I am matured enough to differentiate between an excuse and a reason. Consequently, I had to react very tough with some officials for numerous reasons, however, due to several lapses the event scheduled on 8th March has to be postponed on Thursday 15.

imagesThinking that it is for the benefit of the whole university, I have whole heartedly put in efforts to the best of my capacity besides numerous obstacles and barriers. Nevertheless, the very responsible people within the Club have disappointed me. Those black sheep’s have sometimes acted as spy besides the huge position they hold in the club. Before the grant of the budget these people try to topple down the club perhaps the club activities didn't meet their individual interest for it has to rely on the interest of the whole international students at SIU. What so ever their obstruction couldn't hinder the Club. Somehow reluctantly when the budget was granted, without bearing in mind the toil and turmoil I had in order to get the budget those people lavishly spent and misused the budget. It was a crazy shopping, a shame on them. I have seen them talking about authentication but it is beyond doubt that these words are just on their lips. Dealing with Club budget is one such area where everything has to be transparent, accountable and yes of course every bills and checks has to be authenticated. A big shame, they done even have a single money receipt or bills for the shopping.


The budget was granted a day before the event while I was shedding the rush hours of deadlines and burning midnight fuel for the final exams. Performing at the mini concert, submission of the final project and organizing the debate all fall on the same date. It was a very hectic timing. So I couldn't make it for shopping and perhaps that was my biggest mistake after all my efforts. I wonder when people are not being accountable for such a small activity, where will they lead ISC. How the future events would take place under their leadership? What would the higher authority think about this Club?

ISC was formally intended to form as International Students Association, but to form an association we require an approval from the Ministry of Universities in Thailand says the university officials. To do so I might have to put in extra effort on the paper works and be abide by the guidelines of the Ministry, that might consume a lion’s share of my time. So due to acute shortage of time and as recommended by the university I renamed it as International Students Club, formed with the intention of fostering social interaction among international students. 

happy blogging...

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